Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Wednesday rework

"Charlie" face completed for sure now. Unless I change my mind. Click for detailed shot.

I got up at 3 a.m. this morning and figured I might as well start working. I did some rework this morning and am happier with the face, overall. Haven't touched the hair or anything else.

I like doing the face first as that's the most important part, of course, but I like doing it exclusively first without touching the hair, clothes or background, because if I can get the face right then the other elements will work to pull the piece together and the face won't stand out so starkly, calling attention to any imperfections, which of course there will always be because I'm human. When the other pieces are completed, the face retreats and blends into it's surroundings appropriately. So say I.

I'm going to work on finishing Aubrey's face today and then I can get to those other elements I talked about. I should be able to finish both of these by the weekend. Oh to be two people at once. I really do need at least 30 hours in the day to do all that I want to do...or have four arms.

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